Presentation of the final monitoring report on implementation of “Open Government Partnership Initiative National Action Plan for 2012 – 2015”

Posted by: | Posted on: Сентябрь 8, 2016

main“Transparency Azerbaijan” Anti-corruption Public Association, the local chapter of “Transparency International”, presented the final monitoring report on implementation of the “Open Government Partnership Initiative National Action Plan 2012 – 2015”.  The report was produced within the framework of Azerbaijan Partnership for Transparency Project funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The purpose of the event was to present the outcomes of the monitoring report to public and to arrange constructive discussion on the initiatives of the government on combating corruption, with the participation of representatives of the state bodies and civil society organizations, as well as diplomatic missions in Azerbaijan.

Rena Safaralieva, Executive Director of Transparency Azerbaijan, made opening speech and gave general information about the report. She noted that this monitoring report covers all activities of the OGP National Action Plan that have lead towards the implementation of specific commitments carried out between September 2012 and December 2015.

Dunya Jamalova, coordinator of OGP Expert Team, Transparency Azerbaijan presented the report and stated that according to the final assessment, none of all nine areas of activities has received maximum scores during the implementation of the National Action Plan. The area on “Increase of transparency in extractive industries” has received the highest score (1.9/2), while the area on “Facilitation of Access to Information” received the lowest score (1.4/3).

The second part of the roundtable with the participation of representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions was organized in an interactive mode. The authors of the report addressed the questions and comments by the participants. Participants emphasized the importance of the report in terms of increasing transparency in different state agencies.  The Commission on Combating Corruption of the Republic of Azerbaijan and other governmental and non-governmental institutions were provided with the copies of the report.

A full text of the report is available here.

The round-table is organized in the framework of the public debate component of the “Azerbaijan Partnership for Transparency” (APT) Project and with financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

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