Survey on e-government has been released
Posted by: admin | Posted on: Апрель 23, 2013Monitoring of the execution of the May 23rd, 2011 Presidential decree which ordered the organization of electronic services for state bodies found that few state bodies have fully emplemented the order. Out of 284 electronic services provided by 41 state structures, only 41, or 14 percent, are fully operational.An additional 42 are partially operational. Sabit Bagirov, the president of the Foundation for the Assistance to the Development of Private Ownership and Market Economy, noted that most state structures have not carried out the decree. According to the decree, central state bodies should have established a special section for electronic services within 3 months. This section should list and provide public access to documents and contain an application form to aid additional inquiries.
According to the department manager of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, the partially implementation of the decree is related to low technological expertise at many government bodies. To get report click here.
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