The MONITORING REPORT on E-services and data sharing between state agencies presented

Posted by: | Posted on: Сентябрь 9, 2016

mainTransparency Azerbaijan (TA), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), presented the monitoring report on the quality of e-services provided by state agencies and the level of data sharing between them on September 9, 2016 at Kura Hall of Grand Europe Hotel. The report includes the results of the monitoring conducted by TA on the implementation status of the Cabinet of Ministers’ decision No. 191 dated November 24, 2011 on “Rules of e-service provision by the central executive bodies in specific areas» and on the approval of the «List of electronic services», as well as E-development Index of state agencies.

In her opening speech, Rena Safaraliyeva, Executive Director of Transparency Azerbaijan, noted that over the past 5 years the overall scope of e-services have expanded and services qualitatively improved. According to Transparency Azerbaijan’s report of 2011, only 64% of e-services listed in the Cabinet of Ministers decision No 191 were not implemented, but the latest report indicates this figure has gone down to 25%. Over the same period, the number of services fully delivered as e-services has gone from 18% to 35%, while the percentage of e-services at the phase of e-application has increased from 17% to 35%. For clarification, e-services are made up of 3 levels – information, e-application and full e-delivery levels.

Later Mahammad Muradov, project coordinator at Transparency Azerbaijan, introduced E-development Index (EDI) of state agencies based on a new methodology prepared by TA. According to the results of EDI, Agency for Citizens Services and Social Innovations, Ministry of Communication and High Technologies, Ministry of Taxes, State Examination Commission and State Statistics Committee performed the best. It is no coincidence that the first 5 state organizations are those that are among the top 6 in terms of electronic data interchange (EDI) levels. In this respect, the government should actively encourage state agencies to share information electronically. The limited scope of EDI remains one of the main barriers to the development of e-services. Therefore, TA recommends that more documents such as  acts of civil status, health certificates, academic documents, certificates on real estate, address, military registration and state records  are also shared electronically to facilitate the process of e-application for physical and legal persons.

E-development Index has been based on the criteria of e-services, e-data sharing, usage of e-infrastructure and e-participation.

In the continuation of the event discussions were held with participation of the representatives from state agencies mentioned in the report and the civil society members.

A full text of the report is available here.

The round-table is organized in the framework of the public debate component of the “Azerbaijan Partnership for Transparency” (APT) Project and with financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).

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