Proposal Writing Training for NGOs
Posted by: admin | Posted on: Август 15, 2016Transparency Azerbaijan (TA), with support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), organized two-day training on “Project Proposal Writing” for members of non-governmental organizations (NGO) on 11-12 August 2016. The training program pursues to contribute to the limited knowledge and use in Azerbaijan of the existing international standards and guidelines on writing project proposals by civil society organizations.
About 15 participants representing various organizations from distinct areas attended the trainings delivered in English by TA managerial staff and experts.
Participants of the two-day trainings received knowledge on different stages of project proposals. Rena Safaralieva, executive director at TA made an interactive session on selection of topic, defining goal, objectives and beneficiaries, as well as choosing relevant activities. Then, she explained the principles of depicting work plan, timeline and budget in detail to the participants.
Representatives of NGOs were also acquainted with principles of monitoring and evaluation of projects in a session presented by Kanan Gasimov, independent expert.
Participants strengthened the newly gained theoretical knowledge through practical exercises conducted at the end of each session. At the end of the event, participants received certificate and a package of documents, including project proposal templates.
Trainings are organized in the framework of the “Azerbaijan Partnership for Transparency” (APT) Project and with financial support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID).
11 August 2016
12 August 2016
Training materials:
Sample Budget OSCE Traning for NGO
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