Results of monitoring on “Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan for 2012-2015” were revealed

Posted by: | Posted on: Май 1, 2015

10462829_925960927424750_6603591436322072445_n“Transparency Azerbaijan” – national chapter of “Transparency International”, with financial support ofUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID) and in partnership with Constitution Research Fund presented the Report prepared in the framework of “Azerbaijan Partnership for Transparency” project. The report consists of the results of monitoring on “Implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Action Plan for 2012-2015”, covering the periods between September 2013 and December 2014.
Opening speeches were delivered by Alimammad Nuriyev, the president of “Constitution” Research Foundation, and Rena Safaraliyeva, Executive Director of “Transparency Azerbaijan” Anti-Corruption Public Union. It is already the second report that is presented within “Azerbaijan Partnership for Transparency” project by “Constitution” Research Foundation on monitoring of National Action Plan, said A. Nuriyev. The National Action Plan is comprised of activities reflected in 125 items and to be implemented by the state bodies, committees, municipalities, state-owned companies and other stakeholders. The results of monitoring shows that while the average implementation rate of its components for the first monitoring period was 34%, by the end of the second monitoring report this indicator reached 71,47%.
Zaur Ibrahimov, project coordinator and expert of “Constitution” Research Foundation presented the detailed results of monitoring. In general, since the adoption of the National Action Plan, 91 activities were supposed to be implemented by 2014. The results of the monitoring show that along with activities to be ended by 2014, 53 activities have been fully completed. More than 30 activities have been implemented for more than 50%, whereas 19 activates are done for 50%. The implementation rate for 11 items is lower than 30%. The general finding is that the process of amending and revising the legislation and procedures in broader sense, design and adoption of development concepts in various spheres, as well as implementation of basic measures for introduction of e-services is close to completion.
The observations allow us to state that practical problems related to implementation of the legislation still exist in majority of cases. Delay in adoption of law on “conflict of interest”, as well as lack of improvement in providing financial statements by civil servants and state bodies were being underlined as main problems that occur during the implementation of the National Action Plan. Delay is also observed in implementation of preventive measures, which are directed towards fight against corruption and diminish risks of corruption under the National Action Plan. Primarily, delays in simplifying issuances of license and permissions, shortening submission period of tax applications, introduction of compulsory medical insurance system, adoption of juridical acts regulating work sphere of physical and juridical persons delivering intermediary services in real estate market are needed to be noticed.Report can be downloaded here.

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