«Transparency Azerbaijan» submitted proposals on the draft of Competition Code
Posted by: admin | Posted on: Февраль 22, 2023«Transparency Azerbaijan» Fight Against Corruption PU appreciates the preparation of a new draft of the Competition Code and the start of discussions related to it, and calls for the adoption of the Code in 2023. The Competition Code should be a reliable legal basis for the implementation of the economic policy that eliminates the obstacles in the economic development, creating a favorable business environment and does not allow monopoly. «Transparency Azerbaijan» urges to study and take into account the proposals of NGOs and independent experts when adopting the Competition Code. This was stated in the statement of «Transparency Azerbaijan» Anti-Corruption PU.
İn the statement from meeting of the Board of Directors of the «Transparency Azerbaijan» Anti-Corruption PU in February 17, 2023, it is noted that «Transparency Azerbaijan» summarized and submitted to the Anti-Corruption Commission the proposals made by the «Transparency Azerbaijan», other NGOs and experts until now. You can get acquainted with the proposals from this link.
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